Selasa, 06 Januari 2009

Earth Bull 2009 is pragmatic. Arrange your house interior to its tastes

1522_byk_241208_b.jpg2009 – year of the Earth Bull. Concept “house” deserves special attention this year. Having arranged your habitation competently to tastes of the Bull (it is not difficult), you will involve good luck, happiness, protection in your house.

Certainly, if to reckon on the Chinese calendar, year of the Earth Bull will begin only on January, 26th, 2009. But as house accomplishment is rather laborious business, it is better to be prepared for all in advance. And what is especially important – you need to exclude vanity and formality. Everything is done thoroughly. Protection of higher forces is proportional not only to your desire of higher protection, but also to your diligence on observance of traditions ordered by Feng Shui art.

Habitation harmonisation as a whole

According to ancient Chinese legend, the Bull was selected the second animal from 12 sacred animals of Chinese horoscopes. It deserved this trust due to such character traits, as responsiveness, kindness, restraint, infinite patience, accuracy, methodicalness, calmness. Understanding it, you should educate same features in yourself, preparing for coming year, and your house should bear precisely same features. It is good, if atmosphere of responsiveness, good, infinite patience is felt in it, if interior is constrained, laconically exact, executed with methodicalness observance. And the main quality of a house in a year of the Bull is calmness: everything in interior should be counterbalanced, and nothing should be superfluous.

Bull – a thorough animal. It got used to work and diligence, it is conservative enough and does not like innovations, its sights are pragmatic and peaceful. Therefore, arranging the house under its tastes, it is impossible to forget about these preferences. It is necessary to do all changes in the house cautiously, not cardinally, with due diligence, putting personal labour. Practical advantage should become the basic argument in house arrangement.

The centre and balance of magic square zones

Sacred mission of the Earth Bull is defined by concept Center. Therefore, as to zones of magic square in the house, this year it is necessary to take care that all of them - marriage, children, family, career, riches, glory, knowledge, teachers - would be balanced, without overweight in favour of any one of zones. Then equilibrium positive energy of Chi will inevitably concentrate in the house centre - in the good luck Center.


Good luck centre is that zone, in which you should spend most part of time: with family or visitors. But noisy companies are not recommended in 2009. It is better, that it would be a narrow circle of people, close to you. From this point of view it is necessary to equip the apartment centre, having taken care not of open space, but of cameration.

Observance of pragmatism principle

It is not necessary to be a Feng Shui expert to understand what is pragmatism principle in a house. Not fashionable tendencies, not desire to be original, not the pursuit of aesthetics should define interior. Functionality, expediency, simplicity – here are things that should become defining.

Look at all premises in a house – corridor, kitchen, bathing and toilet rooms, bedroom, nursery, hall, office, pantry, wardrobe – from the point of view of rational. Whether there is something superfluous there, not used for designated purpose?! Whether design decisions are too difficult?!

Avoid effective, bright, unexpected paints, figures, forms. Simplify interior, you will not not impoverish it, but will add air and space in it. And still necessarily exclude idleness decorative things create.

In 2009 year such stiles, like modernism, rococo, eclecticism are useless. More likely, it is necessary to think of traditional classical style. The term “naturality” will be most pertinent in coming year. The concept “house” will be associated with concept “home”.

Strengthening of Earth element in a house

Element of this year – the Earth. Naturally, Earth should dominate over other elements – Fire, Wood, Metal, Water.

The Earth includes:
Primary colour – yellow, additional – all warm: orange, peach, red, beige, brown.
Basic figure – square, additional - rectangle.
Basic plant of year – millet, additional – all other cereals.
Direction – southwest and northeast (it is the basic diagonal of the house).
Material – ceramics, stone.

2832_byk_3.jpg Adding interior details bearing Earth element and sating the basic diagonal of the house with positive Chi energy, we, naturally, fill our house with this element. But still, it is necessary to consider also that all five elements are connected with each other. Therefore, one can either suppress another, or strengthen. So Wood exhausts all juice from Earth, weakening it. And Water feeds Earth and enriches it. Therefore, be especially cautious with use of plants and wooden subjects in interior, whereas everything connected with water should be applied.

Symbolics of the Earthen Bull in an interior

If to speak about concrete subjects of interior, the central place is given to a fireplace. It is the main symbol of home. It is clear, that not every house can have a real fireplace. But artificial fireplace can replace it. Candles have the same function of cosiness, what can be used in any apartment.

Wind music, as the main Feng Shui symbol, should be made of ceramics in a year of the Bull. And outwardly it should not be graceful, delicate, with gentle modulations. Music of wind 2009 is thorough, volume, solid. It should sound deafly and deeply with a long echo, dying away slowly.

An important detail - clock. They should be located in a convenient place, which is well visible from any point of a room. Clock should go precisely, failures in work need to be corrected immediately. Considering draught of the Bull for honouring of traditions, it can be a cuckoo clock or a striking clock.

7002_byk_4.jpgOil painting on walls, abundance of books, upholstered furniture, ceramic vases, caskets, an ikebana from millet or other cereals will add interior well.

Kitchen design can include ceramic, decorative plates on walls, a samovar, ceramic ware. Fill pantries with preservation, jars with jam, large bottles with domestic wine.

Try to arrange your home in a way to satisfy tastes of the Earth Bull. Create an atmosphere filled with concept “cosiness” in your house. Thereby you will not only pay a tribute of east tradition, but also will really feel, how house harmony fills you with energy and optimism at any collisions.

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